We are on a mission to create
1Million Educated Investors
The Share Koro project exists for one reason - to create the best finance education platform.
Our entire team is obsessed with creating great educational experiences for our learners worldwide.
The team has a collective experience of 45+ years in Capital Markets, as well a deep understanding the best technology for online education.
Meet The Share Koro Team..
প্রতিভা মান্না
(Prativa Manna)
Client Interaction Manager
ভূমিকা মুখার্জী
(Bhumika Mukherjee)
Customer Success Manager
সঞ্চারী চক্রবর্তী
(Sanchari Chakraborty)
Operations Manager
CA সর্বদমন রায়
(Sarvadaman Ray)
CA CS সিদ্ধার্থ চ্যাটার্জী
(Siddhartha Chatterjee)
মোহাম্মদ তানভীর আলম
(Md. Tanvir Alam)
Faculty Share Market_er Master
সৌরভ ঘোষ
(Sourav Ghosh)
Faculty Share Market_er Master
মৈনাক চক্রবর্তী
(Mainak Chakraborty)
Faculty Share Market_er Master
CFA নীলাঞ্জন দে
(CFA Nilanjan Dey)
Faculty Share Market_er Master